Kalimat Gerund Bahasa
Inggris Dan Artinya
artikel kali ini kita akan membahas tentang pengertian dan contoh gerund
beserta kegunaannya. Dalam kamus oxford definisi gerund dalam bahasa Inggris adalah the – ing form of a verb when used as a noun. Artinya, gerund adalah kata kerja yang digunakan
atau berfungsi sebagai kata benda (noun)
dengan cara menambahkan -ing
pada kata kerja (verb) tersebut,
perhatikan kedua contoh kalimat berikut ini, dan bedakan mana yang berfungsi
sebagai kata kerja atau sebagai gerund (kata benda).
- My father is reading a
magazine now. (verb)
- Reading a magazine is my
father’s hobby. (gerund)
kedua contoh tersebut, sama-sama menggunakan reading, tetapi keduanya mempunyai
fungsi yang berbeda. Dalam contoh yang pertama reading berfungsi sebagai kata
kerja, karena memang pola kalimatnya adalah present continuous tense dimana
kata kerjanya menggunakan v-ing. Sedangkan dalam contoh yang kedua, reading
berfungsi sebagai kata benda (gerund) yang posisinya sebagai subject kalimat.
yang sudah dijelaskan di atas tentang pengertian atau definisi gerund yang
berfungsi sebagai kata benda, maka gerund bisa digunakan sebagai subject,
object, complement (pelengkap pokok kalimat), dan membentuk kata majemuk
/compound words. Wah kok banyak bener ya kegunaan gerund? Hehe memang.. Masih
bingung? Tenang, nanti kita bahas satu persatu tentang kegunaan gerund. Yang
penting sekarang kita sudah tahu pengertian dan contoh
gerund beserta kegunaannya secara
umum dulu. Baru setelah ini akan kita kupas tuntas kegunaan gerund. Ready???
Pengertian dan Contoh Gerund beserta Kegunaannya
1. Gerund as
subject (sebagai subject).
Apabila gerund berfungsi sebagai
subject, maka gerund dapat berdiri sendiri atau berbentuk frasa (phrase),
gerund sebagai subject tentunya terletak di awal kalimat.
- Smoking is the worst habit.
- Smoking is the worst habit.
(merokok adalah kebiasaan yang terburuk)
- Crying makes my feeling better.
(menangis membuat perasaanku lebih baik) - Crying makes my feeling better.
- Walking along the way home made me thirsty. (Phrase)
- Being beautiful makes her a little bit arrogant. (Phrase)
- Running from the problem brings you to another problem. (Phrase)
2. Gerund as
object (sebagai object)
Sebagai object, gerund mempunyai 2
(dua) kemungkinan yaitu sebagai:
Object kata kerja (verb) dan object
kata depan (preposition)
- Sebagai
object kata kerja (verb)
Contoh: - Rani enjoyed talking
to a foreigner from Sweden.
- My teacher excuses giving a
punishment for them
Pengertian dari gerund sebaga object
kata kerja (verb) adalah ada beberapa verb (kata kerja) yang harus diikuti oleh
v-ing (gerund), berikut ini adalah contoh kata kerja yang diikuti wajib oleh
50 Contoh Kalimat Gerund Bahasa Inggris
dan Artinya ->
bawah ini, terdapat berbagai macam contoh kalimat yang mempunyai gerund

1. Reading helps you to get
wide knowledge.
2. His hobby is playing football.
3. I enjoy writing for hours. It is my passion.
4. He love working in this office. My friends are kind and friendly.
5. The advice from doctor for your health is not eating fatty food.
6. Learning is important for our future. Don’t stop learning along your life time.
7. The most important thing is understanding other people as you want to be understood..
8. He likes eating cheese very much.
9. She suggested going to a picnic together in the holiday.
10. Tara keeps presenting her idea even though the class is so noisy.
11. Smoking is dangerous for your health.
12. Listening to native speaker’s audio can improve your listening skill and pronunciation.
13. Playing football in the middle of the road is dangerous.
14. Walking alone makes me sad. I need someone to accompany me.
15. Buying new shoes in that shop is a quite cheap.
16. Being a wise leader will bring betterment for the community.
17. I like to go shopping alone. I do not want to disturb other people’s time.
18. They prefer staying at home rather going to the mall.
19. My neighbour is good at baking cake. I want to learn that from them.
20. I am fond of eating chocolate. It can boost my mood well.
21. Before entering your password, please make sure that the condition is safe.
22. What I detest the most is smelling smoke. I can’t breathe well.
23. Loving is caring.
24. The chef did a lot of cooking yesterday.
25. Stop thinking negatively. That will ruin your days.
26. I could not help smiling to you. You are so adorable.
27. He did not mind bringing my heavy book.
28. His doing was so romantic.
29. I could not prevent her leaving. She was in hurry.
30. Riding a motorcycle needs a good vision.
31. Helping other people is my pleasure.
32. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
33. I am interested in practicing marching band.
34. She is responsible in controlling all workers in this factory.
35. I think that mastering English is a plus point for my career.
36. She acknowledged seeing the accident yesterday afternoon.
37. They admitted printing too many files whereas that is not important.
38. The lecturer advises adding more reference for her thesis to make it comprehensive and reliable.
39. He anticipates making many mistakes when he works. He is very careful and responsible.
40. They appreciated getting a responsibility to hold the event.
41. She avoided meeting her ex-boyfriend. She was afraid of remembering the bad memory.
42. Dina finally completed setting the stage for the guest’s concert tonight.
43. She will consider having you in her team.
44. He delayed announcing the results of the test due to some technical reasons.
45. Wiwi denied dating her junior at school. She might feel embarrassed.
46. We need to discuss about promoting our new product to the consumers soon.
47. Sabrina loves drawing very much.
48. They insisted on giving the best performance to the audience.
49. This test involves speaking and listening to native speaker.
50. My niece likes dancing and singing.
2. His hobby is playing football.
3. I enjoy writing for hours. It is my passion.
4. He love working in this office. My friends are kind and friendly.
5. The advice from doctor for your health is not eating fatty food.
6. Learning is important for our future. Don’t stop learning along your life time.
7. The most important thing is understanding other people as you want to be understood..
8. He likes eating cheese very much.
9. She suggested going to a picnic together in the holiday.
10. Tara keeps presenting her idea even though the class is so noisy.
11. Smoking is dangerous for your health.
12. Listening to native speaker’s audio can improve your listening skill and pronunciation.
13. Playing football in the middle of the road is dangerous.
14. Walking alone makes me sad. I need someone to accompany me.
15. Buying new shoes in that shop is a quite cheap.
16. Being a wise leader will bring betterment for the community.
17. I like to go shopping alone. I do not want to disturb other people’s time.
18. They prefer staying at home rather going to the mall.
19. My neighbour is good at baking cake. I want to learn that from them.
20. I am fond of eating chocolate. It can boost my mood well.
21. Before entering your password, please make sure that the condition is safe.
22. What I detest the most is smelling smoke. I can’t breathe well.
23. Loving is caring.
24. The chef did a lot of cooking yesterday.
25. Stop thinking negatively. That will ruin your days.
26. I could not help smiling to you. You are so adorable.
27. He did not mind bringing my heavy book.
28. His doing was so romantic.
29. I could not prevent her leaving. She was in hurry.
30. Riding a motorcycle needs a good vision.
31. Helping other people is my pleasure.
32. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
33. I am interested in practicing marching band.
34. She is responsible in controlling all workers in this factory.
35. I think that mastering English is a plus point for my career.
36. She acknowledged seeing the accident yesterday afternoon.
37. They admitted printing too many files whereas that is not important.
38. The lecturer advises adding more reference for her thesis to make it comprehensive and reliable.
39. He anticipates making many mistakes when he works. He is very careful and responsible.
40. They appreciated getting a responsibility to hold the event.
41. She avoided meeting her ex-boyfriend. She was afraid of remembering the bad memory.
42. Dina finally completed setting the stage for the guest’s concert tonight.
43. She will consider having you in her team.
44. He delayed announcing the results of the test due to some technical reasons.
45. Wiwi denied dating her junior at school. She might feel embarrassed.
46. We need to discuss about promoting our new product to the consumers soon.
47. Sabrina loves drawing very much.
48. They insisted on giving the best performance to the audience.
49. This test involves speaking and listening to native speaker.
50. My niece likes dancing and singing.
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