Selasa, 29 September 2015

Marriage You.....

Marriage You.....

It's a beautiful night...
We're looking for something dumb to do...
Hey baby...
I think I want to marry you...

Is it the look in your eyes?...
Or is it these dancing juice?...
Who cares baby...
I think I wanna marry you...

Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go...
No one will know...
Oh come on girl...

Who cares...
if we're trashed got a pocket full of cash we can blow...
Shots of patron...
And it's on girl...

Don't say no, no, no, no-no...
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah...
And we'll go, go, go, go-go...
If you're ready, like I'm ready...

Cause it's a beautiful night...
We're looking for something dumb to do...
Hey baby...
I think I wanna marry you...

Is it the look in your eyes?...
Or is it the dancing juice?...
Who cares baby...
I think I wanna marry you...

I'll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like oooh...
So what you wanna do?...
Let's just run girl...

If we wake up and you wanna break up that's cool...
No, I won't blame you...
It was fun girl...

Don't say no, no, no, no-no...
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah...
And we'll go, go, go, go-go...
If you're ready, like I'm ready...

Cause it's a beautiful night...
We're looking for something dumb to do...
Hey baby...
I think I wanna marry you...

Is it the look in your eyes?...
Or is it this dancing juice?...
Who cares baby...,
I think I wanna marry you...

Just say I do...
Tell me right now baby...
Tell me right now baby, baby...
Just say I do...
Tell me right now baby...
Tell me right now baby, baby...

Oh it's a beautiful night...
We're looking for something dumb to do...
Hey baby...
I think I wanna marry you...

Is it the look in your eyes?...
Or is it this dancing juice?...
Who cares baby...
I think I wanna marry you......

Sing a song from Bruno Mars.

All Of Me......

All Of Me......

What would I do without your smart mouth...
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out...
You got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down...
What's going on in that beautiful mind...
I'm on your magical mystery ride...
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright...

My head's underwater...
But I'm breathing fine...
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind...

'Cause all of me...
Loves all of you...
Love your curves and all your edges...
All your perfect imperfections...
Give your all to me...
I'll give my all to you...
You're my end and my beginning...
Even when I lose I'm winning...
Cause I give you all of me...
And you give me all of you, oh...

How many times do I have to tell you...
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too...
The world is beating you down...
I'm around through every mood...
You're my downfall, you're my muse...
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues...
I can't stop singing, it's ringing in my head for you...

My head's underwater...
But I'm breathing fine...
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind...

'Cause all of me...
Loves all of you...
Love your curves and all your edges...
All your perfect imperfections...
Give your all to me...
I'll give my all to you...
You're my end and my beginning...
Even when I lose I'm winning...
Cause I give you all of me...
And you give me all of you, oh...
Give me all of you, oh oh...

Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts...
Risking it all though it's hard...

Cause all of me...
Loves all of you...
Love your curves and all your edges...
All your perfect imperfections...
Give your all to me...
I'll give my all to you...
You're my end and my beginning...
Even when I lose I'm winning...
Cause I give you all of me...
And you give me all of you...
I give you all of me...
And you give me all, of you, oh oh oh......

Sing a song from John Legend.

Indomie Sudah Mendunia.

Indomie Sudah Mendunia 

Saat memasuki toko atau tempat perbelanjaan maka kita akan terbuat heran dan takjub dengan berbagai macam barang yang ada, namun sebagian besar barang itu adalah produksi negara asing. Akan tetapi ada yang berbeda di beberapa area terlihat dengan berbagai macam produk asli Indonesia, salah satunya mie instan yang banyak beredar dan digemari oleh masyarakat. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama banyak produk asing yang telah memenuhi pasar Indonesia. Hal ini terkait dengan berbagai kebijakan pemerintah yang longgar dan tidak memproteksi industri dalam negeri.

Di sisi lain ada produk Indonesia yang sangat terkenal di dunia adalah Indomie. Makanan ini berupa mie yang hanya butuh di rebus dalam proses pembuatannya. Produk makanan ini sangat digemari di berbagai belahan dunia misal saja negara Nigeria yang menjadikan Indomie sebagai makanan pokok dalam keseharian. Hal ini, didukung dengan berbagai rasa yg ada dan kemudahan dalam pembuatannya sehingga makanan ini banyak penikmatnya.

Yang lebih menakjubkan, Indomie bukan hanya dikenal di Indonesia atau beberapa negara, namun dunia. Menurut Direktur PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, Bp. Franciscus Welirang, Indomie sudah diekspor ke 80 negara di lima benua selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Indomie bukan hanya dikenal di negara tetangga dekat di Asia seperti Singapura, Malaysia, Brunei, Hong Kong hingga Taiwan. Namun, Indomie sudah terbang jauh ribuan kilometer mulai dari wilayah Eropa, Timur Tengah, Afrika hingga benua Amerika. 

Di negara-negara Afrika dan Timur Tengah, seperti Sudan dan Libanon malah hampir ada di setiap toko retail dan super market. Di Amerika Serikat, Indomie malah menjadi  salah satu kado natal favorit. 

Seorang blogger yang bernama Roger Ebert, kritikus film berpengaruh di AS pada 13 Desember 2009 menyebutkan lima bungkus Indomie goreng sebagai hadiah natal favorit paling murah. “Dengan harga US$2,49, saya sarankan hadiah Mi Goreng Instan Indomie – Mix 5 Flavor – untuk dimasak,” tulis Ebert. Saat itu, dia memang tak langsung mencoba. “Namun, karena desakan rekan dari India, S.M. Rana, saya membelinya untuk teman-teman. Mereka bilang sangat lezat – pasta instan paling gurih yang pernah dicoba,” tulis Ebert.
Cita rasa dan penghargaan yang diberikan oleh negara lain akan Indomie menunjukan bahwa makanan ini sangat digemari masyarakat. Meskipun banyak masyarakat yang pro dan kontra akan kesehatan dari makanan ini. Akan tetapi, pada dasarnya semua makanan itu tidak baik kalau mengkonsumsi berlebihan, ini yang harus selalu diingat oleh para konsumen dan penikmat makanan.
Sumber Kutipan:

Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Present Perfect Continuous tense  

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action that started in past and is continued until now. There will be a time reference, such as “since 1980, for three hours etc” from which the action has been started. A sense of time reference is found in these sentences which gives an idea that action has been continued from some time in past till now.  Such time reference or sense of time reference is the identity of Present perfect continuous tense because it tells that action has started from a particular time in past. For example, “He has been reading in this school since 2005”, so the it means that he has started his education in this school in 2005 and he is studying in this school till now.

Note: If there is not time reference or sense of time reference then it is not Present perfect continuous tense because there is no hint about the time of action when it started in past and it seems just an ongoing action at present time which resembles “present Continuous tense. So the reference of time differentiates between Present perfect continuous tense and Present continuous tense.

Rules: An auxiliary verb “has been or have been” is used in sentence. 1st form of verb (base verb) +ing (present participle) is used as main verb in sentence. “Since” or “for” is used before the “time reference” in sentence. If the time reference is exactly known such as 1995, 4 O’clock then “since” is used before the time in sentence. If the time reference is not exactly known such as three hours, six years, four days, then “for” is used before the time in sentence. Time reference such as 3 hours or 5 days is not exactly known because we don’t know that about which three hours a day is told in sentence or about which 5 days in a month is told in sentence. While the 1995 is exactly known time.

Structure of sentence.

Positive Sentence.
• Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (Present participle) + Object + Time reference
• Subject + has been/have been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object +    time reference

If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” then auxiliary verb “has been” is used after subject in sentence.
If subject is “You, They or plural” then auxiliary verb “have been” is used after subject in sentence.

        He has been watering the plants for two hours.
        I have been studying since 3 O’clock

Negative Sentence.
• Subject +”Not” between the Auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) +     Object + Time reference

• Subject + has not been/have not been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) +    object + time reference

To make negative sentence, the word “not” is written between the auxiliary verbs, so it becomes like “has not been or have not been”. The rule for using auxiliary verb “has been or have been” in negative sentences is as same as mentioned above.

        He has not been watering the plants for two hours.
        I have not been studying since 3 O’clock.

Interrogative Sentence.
• Auxiliary verb + Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object +    time reference

• Has/have + Subject + been + (1st form of verb or base verb+ing) + object + time    reference

Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb. If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “has” and auxiliary verb “been” is used after subject
If subject is “You, They or plural” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “have” and “been” is used after subject

      Has he been watering the plants for two hours?
      Have I been studying since 3 O’clock?

More examples.

Positive sentences
           It has been raining for three days.
           I have been living in America since 2003.
           He has been playing cricket for two hours.
           They have been watching television since 6 O’clock.
           She has been working in this office since 2007.

Negative sentences
         It has not been raining for three days.
         I have not been living in America since 2003.
         He has not been playing cricket for two hours.
         They have not been watching television since 6   

         She has not been working in this office since 2007.

Positive sentences
        Has it been raining for three days?
        Have I been living in America since 2003?
        Has he been playing cricket for two hours.
        Have they been watching television since 6 O’clock?
        Has she been working in this office since 2007?

Present Perfect Tense.

Present Perfect Tense

It is used to expressed an action which happened or completed in past but usually the action which happened or completed at a short time before now (near past) not a very long time before now. Specific time such as two years ago, last week or that day is usually not used in the sentences of in this tense. It means that this tense expresses the action whose time when it happened, is not exactly specified but it sounds to refer to some action that happened or completed in near past.

Rules: Auxiliary verb “has or have” is used in sentence. 3rd form of verb (past participle) is used as main verb in sentence.

Structure of Sentence.  
Positive Sentence.
         • Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (past participle) + Subject
         • Subject + has/have + 3rd form of verb or past participle + subject

If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” then auxiliary verb “has” is used after subject in sentence.
If subject is “You, They or plural” then auxiliary verb “have” is used after subject in sentence.


       I have eaten meal
       She has learnt a lesson

Negative Sentence
        • Subject + Auxiliary verb + NOT + main verb (past participle) + Subject
        • Subject + has/have + NOT + 3rd form of verb or past participle + subject

Rules for using auxiliary verb “has or have” in negative sentence are same as mentioned above.

      I have not eaten meal.
      She has not learnt a lesson.

Interrogative Sentences
         • Auxiliary verb + Subject + main verb (past participle) + Subject
         • Has/have + Subject + 3rd form of verb or past participle + subject

Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb. If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “has”.
If subject is “You, They or plural” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “have”.


      Have I eaten meal?
      Has she learnt a lesson?

More Examples.

Positive Sentences
          They have gone to school
          They have bought a new car
          I have started a job
          It has rained
          The guests have arrived
          John has left for home
          You have told a lie

Negative Sentences
        They have not gone to school
        They have not bought a new car
        I have not started a job
        It has not rained
        The guests have not arrived
        John has not left for home
        You have not told a lie

Negative Sentences                                                        
       Have they gone to school?
       Have they bought a new car?
       Have I started a job?
       Has it rained?
       Have the guests arrived?
       Has John left for home?
       Have you told a lie?

Present Continuous Tense.

Present Continuous Tense

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action at present time. It expresses an action which is in progress at the time of speaking. For example, a person says, “I am writing a letter”. It means that he is in the process of writing a letter right now. Such actions which are happening at time of speaking are expressed by present continuous tense. Present Continuous tense is also called Present progressive tense.

Rules. Auxiliary verb “am or is or are” is used in sentence. 1st form of verb or base verb + ing (present participle) is used as main verb in sentence.

Structure of sentence

Positive Sentence
    • Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb-ing (Present participle) + object
    • Subject + am/is/are + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object

If the subject is “I” then auxiliary verb “am” is used after subject in sentence.
If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” then auxiliary verb “is” is used after subject in sentence.
If subject is “You, They or plural” then auxiliary verb “are” is used after subject in sentence.
The participle “ing” is added to the 1st form of verb i.e. going (go) writing (write)


        I am playing cricket.
        He is driving a car
        They are reading their lessons.

Negative Sentence
      • Subject + auxiliary verb + not + main verb-ing (Present participle) + object
      • Subject + am/is/are + not + (1st form of verb + ing) + object

Rules for using auxiliary verbs (am or is or are) after subject in negative sentences are same as mentioned above.
         I am not playing cricket.
         He is not driving a car
         They are not reading their lessons.

Interrogative Sentences

      • Auxiliary verb + Subject + main verb-ing (Present participle) + object
      • Am/is/are + Subject + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object

For making interrogative sentences, the sentence is started with auxiliary verb rather than putting auxiliary verb inside the sentence. If the subject is “I” the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “am”. If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “is”. If subject is “You, They or plural” the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “are”.

          Am I playing cricket?
          Is he driving a car?
         Are they reading their lessons?

More Examples

Positive Sentences
           I am listening to the news.
           You are washing your clothes.
           She is riding on horse.
           They are playing football.
           It is raining.

Negative Sentence
          I am not listening to the news.
          You are not washing your clothes.
          She is not riding on a horse.
          They are not playing football.
          It is not raining.

Interrogative Sentences
         Am I listening to the news?
         Are you washing your clothes?
         Is she riding on a horse?
         Are they playing football?
         Is it raining?

Senin, 28 September 2015

Keep Being You...

Keep Being You...

I don't want your money..
Forget about that honey..
I just wanna be with you..
Fancy things won't get me..

Diamonds, there are plenty..
But there is only one of you..
Baby we could be together..

Nothing but your love forever..
I can be your lover..
You can be my lover..
I won't need nobody but you..
Just the way that you move..
Shows me what you can do..
I don't need you to prove..
Cause I already knew..
Give me love, give me love baby..
I just need your love, need your love baby..
I don't need you to prove..
Just keep being you..
I dont need your flowers..

Just your hours..
Baby you have bloomed in my heart..
So many have tried to..

But only you do..
Make me feel like this, yes you..
Baby we could be together..

Nothing but your love forever..
I can be your lover..

You can be my lover..
I won't need nobody but you..
Just the way that you move..

Shows me what you can do..
I don't need you to prove..
Cause I already knew..
Give me love, give me love baby..
I just need your love, need your love baby..
I don't need you to prove..
Just keep being you..
Baby just...
(Just keep being you) 
Babyu just...
(Just keep being you)
Oh darling I think that we've made it..

I dont need anything, believe it..
My heart feels rich when you're near me..
There is no emptiness..
You spread your love and I can feel it..

Deep in my soul..
I see you've given me much more..
Thank you for the greatest gift of all..
Just the way that you move..

Shows me what you can do..
I don't need you to prove..
Cause I already knew..
Give me love, give me love baby..
I just need your love, need your love baby..
I don't need you to prove..
Just keep being you..
Just keep being you..

Alasan Terbesar...

Alasan Terbesar... 

Ku pandang lekat dirimu, ku tatap bola matamu..
Terasa menusuk tepat di jantung hatiku..
Ku tarik nafas terdalam seiring balas tatapmu..
Memacu nadi kacaukan adrenalinku..

Tak ada yang salah, tak ada yang tak benar..
Di mataku semua tergambar indah..

Ku lewati malam-malam sepi..
Kaulah alasan terbesar dalam hidupku..
Mana mungkin ku kan bisa melupakanmu..

Ku cari-cari celahmu, ku ingat-ingat ucapmu..
Tapi tak temukan satu kekuranganmu..
Mungkin ku baru mengerti, ini pun baru terjadi..
Ku jatuh hati tak pernah seperti ini..

Tak ada yang salah, tak ada yang tak benar..
Di mataku semua tergambar indah..

Ku lewati malam-malam sepi..
Kaulah alasan terbesar dalam hidupku..
Mana mungkin ku kan bisa melupakanmu..

Tak ada yang salah, tak ada yang tak benar..
Di mataku semua tergambar indah..

Ku lewati malam-malam sepi..
Kaulah alasan terbesar dalam hidupku..
Mana mungkin ku kan bisa melupakanmu..

Ku lewati malam-malam sepi..
Kaulah alasan terbesar dalam hidupku..
Mana mungkin ku kan bisa melupakanmu..

Minggu, 27 September 2015

Jangan Takut Gagal.

Jangan Takut Gagal.  

Orang bijak mengatakan ''kegagalan itu merupakan kesuksesan yang tertunda''. Semua orang pasti pernah merasakan ''kegagalan''. Hanya saja skala dari kegagalan itu yang berbeda pada setiap orangnya. Sebagai contoh '' Si A gagal mengeyam pendidikan di Universitas Favoritenya''. Si A ini pada waktu itu merasa kegagalan yang dia alami adalah hal yang terbesar dalam hidup dia dan merasa Tuhan tidak adil kepadanya. Karena harapan yang ditanam sejak sekolah dulu akhirnya harus kandas pada sebuah Ujian Saringan Masuk. Namun si A tidak menyadari bahwa apa yang terjadi pada hari itu merupakan awal dari sebuah perjalanan hidup menuju sebuah kesuksesan.

Karena gagal masuk ke Universitas Favoritnya si A kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan ke Universitas C yang menurutnya kualitas pendidikannya biasa-biasa saja. Namun seiring waktu yang ia jalani, ada suatu kesempatan dimana pada kesempatan itu berhasil membawa dia keluar negeri berkat beasiswa prestasi yang ia dapatkan. Dari hal itu dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa apa yang dianggap buruk itu belum tentu buruk baginya. Dan apa yang ia anggap baik belum tentu pula baik bagi dirinya. Karena Tuhan lebih mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk umatnya. Berkaca dari contoh tersebut, tampaknya kegagalan itu tidak hanya sebagai kesuksesan yang tertunda. Melainkan juga sebagai ''Pengganti''. Sehingga kegagalan itu sebenarnya bukanlah ''kegagalan'' yang dalam arti kata tidak dapat mencapai sesuatu.

Seringkali kita sebagai umat manusia melupakan hal-hal kecil yang ada disekitar kita. Tidak mendapatkan apa yang diinginkan lantas kita sebut ia dengan kata ''gagal''. Padahal seseorang itu tidak mengetahui bahwa di masa mendatang apa yang ia tidak dapatkan pada hari ini maka akan diganti dengan suatu anugrah yang ia sendiri tidak menyangka bahwa anugrah tersebut sangatlah besar nilainya. Karena hidup ini mengandung banyak misteri sehingga kita sebagai umat manusia harus bersiap sedia menerima apa yang akan diberikan kepada diri kita.

Banyak orang merasa frustasi saat mengalami kegagalan. Dengan keadaan itu justru melupakan hal-hal kecil yang seharusnya bisa membuat mereka bahagia. Orang bijak mengatakan ''kebahagiaan itu bukanlah apa yang ada dihadapan sana, akan tetapi bahagia itu ada didalam diri sendiri''. Artinya ketika tidak mendapatkan apa yang diinginkan (gagal) bukan bearti kita tidak bisa menikmati hidup atau bahagia. Karena sesungguhnya kebahagiaan itu adalah bagaimana kita menerima sesuatu itu dengan hati yang ikhlas. Apabila kita mensyukuri apa yang didapatkan maka itulah awal dari kebahagiaan. setiap kali mensyukuri apa yang diterima maka Tuhan akan menambah nikmatnya berlipat ganda. Ingat didalam kitab Suci Alqur'an, Allah berfirman :

{لَئِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ لَأَزِيْدَنَّكُمْ وَ لَئِنْ كَفَرْتُمْ إِنَّ عَذَابِيْ لَشَدِيْدٌ}

"Sesungguhnya jika kalian bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (nikmat) kepada kalian, dan jika kalian mengingkari (nikmat-Ku), maka sesungguhnya azab-Ku sangat pedih". (QS. Ibrahim [14]: 7)

Percayalah Tuhan itu Maha Adil, tidak ada manusia yang gagal jika ia berusaha, begitu kata orang-orang terdahulu. Meskipun telah berusaha dan mengalami kegagalan, itu bukanlah kegagalan melainkan penggantian dari sebuah keinginan. Oleh karen itu apapun yang kita dapatkan pada hari ini maka syukurilah, dan terus berusaha guna mencapai apa yang diharapkan.

Hidup Adalah Ujian.

Hidup Adalah Ujian.

Selama hayat masih di kandung badan, selama jantung masih berdetak dan darah masih mengalir, demikian pula selama nafas masih berhembus, adalah sebuah kemestian jika cobaan, rintangan, musibah demi musibah, silih berganti mendatangi kita, sebagaimana Allah firmankan : “Tiada suatu bencanapun yang menimpa di bumi dan (tidak pula) pada dirimu sendiri melainkantelah tertulis dalam kitab (Lauh Mahfuzh) sebelum Kami menciptakannya. Sesungguhnya keburukan dan kebaikan sebagai cobaan. Dan hanya kepada Kami-lah kamu dikembalikan” (QS Al-Anbiya’:35).

Tentang hal ini Ibnu Abbas berkata: “Kami akan mengujimu dengan kesulitan maupun kesenangan, kesehatan maupun penyakit, kekayaan ataupun kemelaratan, halal maupun haram, ketaatan maupun kemaksiyatan, perintah maupun larangan petunjuk maupun kesesatan, siapa yang sebenar-benarnya bertaqwa” .

Dalam riwayat lain; kesenangan dan kesusahan di sela-sela kehidupan ini merupakan ujian. Ibnu Jarir berkata: “Kami menguji mereka dengan kemudahan dalam mendapatkan kehidupan dan kelapangan rejeki. Inilah yang dimaksud kebaikan-kebaikan (al-hasanat). Sedangkan yang buruk-buruk (as-sayyi’at) adalah kesempitan hidup, kesulitan demi kesulitan, musibah dan sedikitnya harta, agar mereka kembali kepada Allah dan bertaubat dari dosa dan maksiyat yang mereka lakukan.

Kebanyakan manusia tidak lulus dalam menghadapi ujian hidup. Banyak dari mereka yang putus asa, tertekan, stress, gila bahkan bunuh diri. Padahal jika sedikit mau menggunakan pikiran, tentu mereka menyadari bahwa hakekat ujian adalah wahana menaikkan kualitas diri. Dan jika hidup tanpa ujian niscaya manusia pasti sombong, berbangga diri, bakhil, keras kepala, serta kufur.

Keadaan manusia yang tidak bersyukur atas nikmat dan tidak bisa sabar dalam menghadapi cobaan, musibah merupakan indikasi TIPISNYA iman. Dan lebih parah lagi keadaan manusia yang ketika mendapat kenikmatan tidak beriman, mendapat musibah justru syirik. Di saat badan sehat enggan ibadah, giliran ditimpa sakit datang mencari bantuan paranormal dan jin.

Cobaan merupakan sunnatullah yang telah ditetapkan berdasarkan rahmat dan hikmah-Nya .Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menetapkan sesuatu baik hal tersebut takdir kaumnya maupun syar’i,melainkan di dalamnya terkandung kebaikan dan kasih sayang bagi hamba-Nya.

Di balik semua takdir yang Allah tetapkan kepada kita semua, tentu terkandung hikmah yang besar, yang tidak bisa dinalar oleh akal manusia.

Ibnu Qoyyim berkata: Andaikan kita bisa menggali hikmah di balik setiap kejadian dan ketentuan dalam ciptaan-Nya, maka tidak kurang dari ribuan hikmah yang kita bisa petik.

Namun akal ini amat terbatas, pengetahuan kita terlalu minim, serta ilmu semua makhluk akan sia-sia untuk mencurahkan kemampuannya jika dibanding dengan ilmu Allah. Sebagaimana sia-sianya sinar lampu dibanding dengan sinar matahari. Sebagaimana jika telah terbit matahari kemanakah cahaya bintang.

Seorang muslim meyakini bahwa seorang muslim pasti mendapat ujian, sebagaimana seorang siswa sekolah pasti juga ujian; Sebagaimana Allah berfirman; ”Alif laam miim. Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan (saja) mengatakan: “Kami telah beriman”, sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi? Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta.” 
(Al -‘Ankabut: 1-3)

"Jika Allah menghendaki keburukan pada hamba-Nya niscaya Allah akan mengakhirkan hukuman atas dosa-dosanya sehingga Allah akan menyempurnakan hukuman baginya di akhirat kelak." (HR. At-Tirmidzi).
