Selasa, 19 Januari 2016

Present Progressive Tense Example.

Present Progressive Tense Example.

Actions that are happening now:

We are having lunch.
We are not having lunch right now.
Are you having lunch right now?
They are singing very nicely.
The kids are sleeping.
Why are the kids sleeping?
Bella is playing the guitar and Andrew is listening to her.
What are Bella and Andrew doing?
Bella and Andrew are not playing golf.

Actions that are currently in progress
(Not at this exact moment, but in the present.
For example: these days, this month, this year):

We are moving to Packard Street this week.
Usually I work in an office, but this month I am traveling from place to place.
Julie is studying so hard because she has a lot of exams these days.
Patrick is leaving us, and somebody else will replace him.
She is having a lot of trouble with her divorce. 
He is studying to become a dentist.
Jane is reading the book "War and Peace".

Actions that will happen in the near future:

I am meeting Robert this afternoon.
Are you coming with us to the party tonight?
When are you having lunch?
Patricia is returning later this week.
They are arranging a special dinner and they want us to come.
I am not watching the game this evening, I have homework.
He is not going to the party tonight.

Annoying repeating actions:

She is always complaining about something.
They are constantly fighting.
John is always smoking.
You are always coming late!
It is always raining!

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